USPS Non-DDU Drop-site Key Requirement
On Sunday, January 7, the Postal Service updated their requirement for the Non-DDU Drop Site Key. These are now required in order to submit eDoc successfully. If this has not been populated in your list, you will need to do so before you can submit. Please follow these steps in order to add the Non-DDU Drop Site Key to your list configuration:
- From the File menu, select Roll back list… which restores from a backup taken just before your most recent issue was closed.
IMPORTANT: All changes made since the last issue was closed will be lost. - From the File menu, select Configure list…
- Under the General tab, at the bottom, you will see a blank box with a box next to it that says “Lookup.” Click this box and the key will populate.
- Click the OK button.
- Close the issue and submit eDoc as normal.