Interlink Circulation updates and releases
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Knowledge Base > Interlink Circulation updates and releases
Interlink Circulation updates and releases
Interlink regularly releases new versions of Circulation that include postal updates and feature enhancements.
It’s always advised you install the most recent version of Circulation, as not doing so could have adverse effects on your mailing and may cause concern with your local post office.
You can easily install the latest version in several ways:
While working within the Interlink Circulation program:
- When a new version is released, click ‘YES’ when the automatic update prompts you, and follow the steps for installation.
- Open Interlink Circulation, go to | Tools | Download Program Updates… and follow the prompts.
If you are not working within the program but wish to download the latest version:
- Visit www.ilsw.com/downloads and under the heading Interlink Circulation Official Release, click the Download Now button.
- Directly download the update by following the link http://download.ilsw.com/CirculationSetup.exe.
While we don’t anticipate problems in downloading from the links provided above, you may use one of our alternate download locations if needed:
Alternate Download Site 1 Alternate Download Site 2
Please do not hesitate to give the Client Solutions team a call at (888) 473-3103 with any questions.