Configure Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) in Circulation
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Knowledge Base > Configure Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) in Circulation
Configure Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) in Circulation
The USPS offers discounts for depositing Carrier Route mail at the facility responsible for delivery to the final destination of those pieces. The term used to describe this facility is Post Office of Entry, or POE.
However, additional discounts may be available for depositing mail at other facilities responsible for delivery of your mail other than your POE. In addition to lower rates, delivery time is often greatly improved when this is done.
The term used for these additional entry points is Destination Delivery Unit, or DDU.
DMM Reference for DDU in Periodical Mail: http://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/707.htm#wp1164902
DMM Reference for DDU in Standard Mail: http://pe.usps.com/text/dmm300/346.htm#wp1032654
To configure a DDU:
- Select “Configure List” from the “File” menu
- Under the “Periodical or Standard” tabs, Select Customize Sacks/ Tubs Button
- Click on DDU Tab at the top of the window
- Click Add to enter each ZIP code where you deposit periodical mail, other than your POE, and click OK
- Click Apply & OK, and Ok again to save the changes
These changes will not take effect until after the next time an issue is closed.