Tech Support Q&A – Why can’t I submit my postage statement through eDoc?

Q.  I’m having trouble submitting my postal reports through eDoc. What are some steps I can take to try to find out what the problem is?

A.  While there are several reasons eDoc may not be submitting properly, here are steps you can take to determine the cause:

1. Make sure you have the most current version of Java installed on your PC by going to

2. Due to issues with USPS PostalOne!®, Full Service is not operable at this time. To verify in Circulation that Full Service is not currently enabled, follow these steps:

• At the top of your subscriber screen, go to PostalOne!®

• Choose Configure PostalOne!® Account.

• Towards the middle of that screen, you will need to uncheck the “Use Full Intelligent Mail” box if it is currently checked.

• Click OK to save changes.

3. After unchecking the box and saving it, you will need to close the issue with Full Service turned off. Your mailing reports should say Periodical or Standard Newspaper Mailing. If it says Full Service Newspaper Mailing then you closed the issue with Full Service box still checked.

4. After you close issue, print your mailing reports as you normally would.

5. Click on the Header (Periodical Newspaper Mailing) of your most recent close issue (it will be highlighted in blue).

6. Click Send to USPS button at the bottom of your mailing screen.

7. If you are still unable to submit via eDoc after following these instructions, you will need to contact the PostalOne!® Help Desk to confirm your Business Customer Gateway account is properly linked to the TEM and Production environment in the Postal Wizard.

USPS PostalOne!® Help Desk — (800) 522-9085 — select option #3, then #6